你曾到过中国山东吗? 这一次有幸被邀请参与山东省和泰安市的旅游盛典,同时也有机会走访山东的几个著名景点,当然也包括最近刚刚开幕的几个新景区! 通过视频,您可以深切的感受泰安市两大景点泰山和岱庙的魅力! Have you been to Shandong before? When joining the 2023 Shandong International Travel Operators Conference, the 2023 Shandong Tourism Development Conference, and the 2023 Tai An Tourism Week, we earned the chance to walk around in Shandong. There are a lot of new destinations in Shandong that you shouldn't miss when visiting China! In this video, you can experience the two signature places in Tai An, Shandong, including Mountain Tai and Dai Temple! The spring season here is so adorable, I hope you enjoy the video! #travel #China #Shandong #Taian