#ChineseFoodRecipe #Sharon's北美生活NorthAmericanLife #上咗youtube發燒影片流行榜 Barbecued Pork with Honey Sauce BBQ Pork (Char Siu) Char Siu Chinese BBQ Pork Recipe | Simple and easy to make, Tender and juicy on the outside and good taste Divide this large piece of meat This bone can make soup with radish This piece of fat can be used as bacon Let’s make barbecued pork today Cut into long strips like this Add green onion, ginger and garlic 2 tablespoons cooking wine 2 tablespoons soy sauce 2 tablespoons oyster sauce 1 tablespoon honey 3 tablespoons barbecued pork sauce 1 tablespoon fermented bean curd Marinate for 4 hours, or overnight the next day Put some oil and spring onions on the bottom of the cast iron pan Put the meat and sauce in the pot Cover and cook for 1 hour Turn over several times during the period Finally open the lid until the juice is collected Slice and enjoy Juicy and tender, very delicious 蜜汁叉烧肉 BBQ Pork (Char Siu) 叉燒肉(Char Siu) Chinese BBQ Pork Recipe | 簡單易做, 外焦里嫩多汁,味道好 把这样的大块肉分割一下 这块骨头可以跟萝卜一起做汤 这块有肥肉的,可以做腊肉 今天来做叉烧肉 切成这样的长条 放入葱姜蒜 2大勺料酒 2大勺酱油 2大勺蚝油 1大勺蜂蜜 3大勺叉烧酱 1大勺豆腐乳 腌制4个小时,或者隔夜 第二天 铸铁锅底部放些油和葱 把肉和料汁放入锅里 盖盖子烧1个小时 期间要多翻几次面 最后开盖,直到收汁 切片,享受吧 多汁嫩滑,非常好吃 =================================================================== If you like my video, or have some thoughts, please subscribe 🔔 and follow 👍: 如果你喜欢我的视频,或有所感悟,请大家订阅🔔和关注#家常菜HomeCooking👍: 『 Appetizers (小菜类)🍤』 https://is.gd/bmshappetizers 『 Vegetables (蔬菜类)🥕🍆』 https://is.gd/bmshvegetables 『Soup ( 汤类 )🍲』 https://is.gd/bmshsoup 『Seafood (海鲜类)🦐🦞』 https://is.gd/bmshseafood 『Carbo Dish (主食)🍚』 https://is.gd/bmshcarbs 『Meat (肉类)🥩 』 https://is.gd/bmshmeat 『Specials (传统)🥓』 https://is.gd/bmshspecials 『Desserts (甜点类)🍬🎂』 https://is.gd/bmshdesserts

chinese food家常菜牛排素菜意大利面手擀麵香辣牛肉北美生活北美生活美食HowtoMakeRecipe牛肉beefspicy beef noodles红烧牛肉腊香肠饭腊味煲仔饭蔬菜饭BBQ猪肉叉烧肉烤肉Char SiuChinese BBQ Porkham猪排火腿蜜汁火腿叉烧火腿豆腐干虾米海鲜酱毛豆虾酱胬肉卤肉中国菜风味小吃小菜酸菜泡豆角粉蒸肉炸酥肉酒酿排骨Braised Pork Ribs花生牛扎红烧排骨酱烧排骨五花肉红烧五花肉杂酱肉丁炸酱卤肉·卤肉饭卤肉面卤肉汤面卤肉鸡蛋卤肉鸡蛋饭卤牛肉牛肉干麻辣牛肉干香辣牛肉干chashaorou羊肉羊排Lamb Chops