DESCRIPTION The world made a hard pivot in the 1970s from Keynesian economics to the ways of the Chicago School of Economics. This wasn’t preordained. So many pieces had to fall into place (or fall apart) to usher in the neoliberal era beginning in the 70s. From stagflation and oil shocks to a corporate clapback against consumer advocates and regulations, the corporate class came roaring back against consumers, the government and anyone else who would stand in its way. Today we breeze through a handful of the most important events to lay the groundwork for deeper dives into each of them. #Milton Friedman, #John Maynard Keynes, #Heritage Foundation, #Ralph Nader, #Lewis Powell, #Powell Memo, #stagflation, #oil crisis, #Friedrich Hayek, #Mont Pelerin, #Nixon, #Gold Standard, #neoliberalism SUPPORT THE SHOW Please make sure to “like” our channel and share our videos Become a Member or Leave us a Tip Listen to the UNFTR Podcast Leave our Podcast a (5 star) Review Buy our Native Roasted Coffee Check out our book list on Shop UNFTR Merch! ABOUT UNFTR Unf*cking the Republic (UNFTR for short) is a longform podcast that covers U.S. politics through a progressive socioeconomic lens. Each episode is a deep and delicious audio dive into a particular subject that helps explain how we arrived in Bizarro America, the funhouse mirror version of what was originally intended. The UNFTR YouTube channel is designed to break some of these larger concepts into smaller more digestible pieces. Visit Here endeth the description. :-)

#Milton Friedman#John Maynard Keynes#Heritage Foundation#Ralph Nader#Lewis Powell#Powell Memo#stagflation#oil crisis#Friedrich Hayek#Mont Pelerin#Nixon#Gold Standard#neoliberalism1970s70s