Aquarium Clown Knife fish tank care is super easy as long as you get a big enough tank. They grow fairly large so you will need a bigger tank. For some of the larger aquarium fish like the clown knife, you want a bigger size pellet food. I really like the hikari predator food sticks. Here is a link: Hikari Food Sticks: Pure random fish tank talk: the pH always being a lil high is better than messing with it and having it be unstable and up and down all the time...much bigger shock to the system...if you arent seeing any ill effects id suggest only working with natural buffers like driftwood, etc. and let the chemicals alone. Clown knife fish - Never chase ph! If you aren’t keeping discus or a very sensitive fish they will adjust! If you make changes they often will not. Steady ph is what’s important. Put in some driftwood (boiled first of course). It will leach tannins into the water slowly, and tannins lower the ph. It’s better to acclimate your fish to the ph (or get fish that are used to higher ph) than chase numbers. Chasing numbers leads to ph swings which is much worse than just high ph. Unless you have a calibrated ph probe and you're watching it overtime and you aren't playing with oxygen content too much....well heck you probably aren't saying much of anything. Never chase pH! Stability is more important than getting it 'perfect' unless you're dealing with discus or trying to spawn WC fish. I got my 29g a few days ago, now I'm trying to cycle it. I can't seem to get the ammonia up just by feeding the empty tank. I'm going to put 3 white mountain minnows in there to get some ammonia started. Do my other numbers look ok? Any tips on how to cycle my tank? Clown knife Fish Care Guide. Okay so I went to a fish shop and saw THE cutest Long Finned Oscar. He was fully black and had a golden square on the base of his tail. I literally love him. Are they easy to care for? How big do they get? What size tank would be best? Tell me everything! I’ve googled it all but I want to hear from people with experience here. My only fish experience is my Bettas. I’m 15 and literally addicted to fish. They just so cute and smart and their lil faces. They get 12 to 14 inches. A 75 gallon tank minimum for one. They are messy fish second to goldfish need a really good filtration system. They will eat anything that can fit in their mouth so any thing under 4 inches is usually lunch. They are tank puppies they have huge personalities. 75 gallon, do NOT get a smaller tank as a "grow out" tank, the oscars can hit full size in less than a year. a 55 gallon has 13" of width and the oscar itself can get to 12"+ so he literally cant turn around in a standard 55 or 65. Hi, Oscar's are great fish however, they get very big. They need 75+ gallon tank. Also they are a cichlid so are territorial. But they have a lot of personality and live very long lives if taken care well. Been looking into some better lighting for my 7ft 210 and when I’m looking at Lumens calculators per liter it’s estimating I will need about 24,000 Lumens. That’s sounds ridiculously high to me but I don’t know much about lighting. Also, may sound like a dumb question but when I’m putting such strong lights in such a small place do I have to worry about it having any adverse effects on the fish. Pic to draw attention. Too much light intensity can stress them out and dull their colors. Add floating plants or places where they can get shade if you think your light is too intense. Well do you think 24,000 Lumens is way too much for 7x2x2 and if so can you give me a better estimate of what you think would be ideal? 24000 lumens sounds like an insane amount of light for only 2 ft water depth. I doubt you even need half of that, but half might be just right. If you're just winging it then I would get three or four of these. That said, if you're willing to spend $500+ on aquarium lights I would go to your local fish store and ask them who their lighting vendor is, and then contact them directly. You'll get a lot of butt kissing and data out of a salesman who finds out you want to buy a $500 light. You would think someone would have by now designed a tank light that works off lights reflecting off mirrors a bit like torches or car headlights? How tall is your tank? I'm running a 600liter 6x2x2. 3 rows of T5HO (six 3ft tubes) is enough to grow most plants in my tank. You can do three 4ft and three 3ft. By the way, when it comes to plants, we use PAR, not lumens. I'll attach a photo in a while. You could have 100 bulbs if they are all 6000k bulbs it's still 6000k, that's the color spectrum of the light not how bright it is. Lumens/par is the measure of brightness. I'm new to this, just set the tank up last December. And there has been a lot of deaths. I hear things like "new tank Syndrome " earlier in the year but what could be killing them off now?