當你願意放下、不計較時,内心世界會否平靜安樂一點? 簡介: 佛法,引導世人離苦得樂。衍空法師以佛法啟迪人心,重溫佛陀根本的義理和教導。 《禪語片刻》六集短片,每集五分鐘,如醍醐灌頂;是智慧的凝聚,是心靈的淨化。 該系列短片於二零二二年六月二十一日在港大百周年校園大會堂舉行的「陳廷驊學院銘謝禮」上作特別首映。 Comprising 6 episodes of 5 minutes each and hosted by Venerable Sik Hin Hung, "A Zen Moment" series will lead us to revisit the teachings of the Buddha, allowing our minds to dwell in moments of purity, with peace and tranquillity. A special premiere of "A Zen Moment" was held on June 21, 2022 at HKU Grand Hall to celebrate the establishment of D. H. Chen College. https://www.giving.hku.hk/zenmoment #香港大學 #禪語片刻 #衍空法師 #禪修 #佛學 #港大 #HKU #AZenMoment

HKUHong Kong UniversityUniversity of Hong Kong香港大學港大