This Mother's Day, let's switch roles! ✨ Gift your little ones the unique multi-ethnic mother & baby duo coloring book. Get them a gift they'll love! ❤️ 🎁 Join Jay Shetty and renowned psychologist Dr. Gabor Maté as they explore the profound concept of healing. Discover the true meaning of healing, which goes beyond mere physical cure and delves into the restoration of wholeness within ourselves. Understand how trauma disconnects us and learn the importance of reconnecting with our true selves, emotions, and bodies for healing to occur. Uncover the relationship between time and unhealed wounds, debunking the common belief that time alone can heal. Explore the transformative power of intentional healing work. Full Video & Credits : Hashtags: #EssenceOfHealing #RediscoverWholeness #TraumaHealing #EmotionalHealing

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