This is the piano version of Theme of King J.J. from Yuri!!! on Ice soundtrack! [ Yuri!!! on Ice OST - Theme of King J.J. ] [ ユーリ!!! on ICE - Theme of King J.J. ] High quality audio on Spotify: What can I tell you. I really admire Jean Jacques in Yuri on Ice. He's really strong willed (and most of the time over-confident I have to admit). But what made me love him is when he realized in Episode 11 that he's not alone. He doesn't have to be overly arrogant because even if he fails, his fiance is there for him. His fans are there for him. It's his realization that he is not all by himself, but instead he is surrounded by people who will lift him up in his darkest times. This really hit me right in the feels, and I want to be there for you as well. I have some of the best supportive fanbase ever and I realize this from the concerts I did and meeting fans in real life, and from the comments I read from YouTube, Twitter and Facebook. I hope I can be your King J.J. and inspire you even in the lowest of days. Merry Christmas everyone~ - - - - - - Sheet archive on my website! ishter twitter: The book of my face: Piano arrangement by Tehishter Original song: 梅林太郎 featuring Linus Norda - - - - -

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