Rose Tang on a panel at the Overseas Press Club of America, New York, Sept. 12, 2014: "How Social Media and the Internet Have Transformed China Coverage" -- Journalists inside and outside of China are monitoring websites and social media and engaging in whack-a-mole journalism against Chinese censors. Coordinator: Susan Jakes, editor of the Asia Society's ChinaFile who reported from Asia for Time and was its Beijing Correspondent. Panelists: David Wertime, editor of Tea Leaf Nation and Foreign Policy. Rose Tang, a social media activist and writer who survived the Tiananmen massacre. Emily Parker, author of "Now I Know Who My Comrades Are: Voices From the Internet Underground." More details of the conference:

Anti-communism (Political Ideology)Internet Activism (Website Category)China (Country)Democracy (Quotation Subject)Activism (Industry)Politics (TV Genre)