The introductory quote from the Civilization 5 Scenario - Wonders of the Ancient World. Without any background noise, in this video here, by me guest273. Originally, I couldn't find this quote on the Civ 5 wiki page, so I decided to disable all background sound setting and recorded myself starting the scenario. More Civ 5 videos coming soon on this channel! My Twitch where I sometimes stream: ========== Wonders of the Ancient World is a DLC scenario for Civilization V, released with the Wonders of the Ancient World Scenario Pack. Scenario Description Oh great leader, may the visions of grand construction and transcendent architecture guide your rule! Your fledgling civilization has a glorious opportunity to settle and cultivate this Fertile Crescent. In time, your people will build thriving cities and grow strong in the ways of war, trade, science and the arts. It is only natural that you build great monuments to celebrate these successes! You should know, your rivals won't stand by idly while you construct the world's greatest Wonders, so you should prepare your cities to build these marvels first. Only the civilization with the most magnificent monuments, the grandest Wonders the world has ever known, shall be revered for the rest of time! Gameplay The scenario is a contest between five ancient civilizations to have the highest score when the nine available wonders are built. The wonders in the scenario are the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World: the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, the Statue of Zeus at Olympia, the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, the Colossus of Rhodes, and the Lighthouse of Alexandria; plus two additional wonders, the Oracle of Delphi and the Library of Alexandria.

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