And finally...! The next patches video has arrived, Along the same case as last time this introduces element's talked about in the first video. Ghost Talk and Ability Chest's have been completely integrated and work perfectly! Treasure Chest Shop of Ordeals and Deku-Dodongo Riddle are among the highest point's of entertainment this patch. Though that's saying a lot, all the other things in town can't be killed this patch, hence the lack of a sword. But aside from that this patch has a lot of livability, much longer then the first. Also if you noticed Iron Knuckle in front of the castle was given a line, he will become a main character soon. Text Edit's all around! I stress you check out the Market for it's abundance of text edits! Anyway here's the link to this patch. You First Must Have Beaten Patch 1 before you proceed to Patch 2 for more info. Download the Patch at... Hyrule_Province.ppf
