Hey y'all! I'm Oso excited! Chicken babies! Since we haven't hatched from our backyard yet, we decided to order some eggs from Meyer Hatchery. We ordered 20 eggs (5 Olive eggers, 5 Buff Orpingtons, 5 Black Ostrolorps and 5 Black Copper Marans). We put the eggs into our incubator, along with 11 of our own backyard eggs and patiently waited. About 10 days into the incubation, we opened them up and candled them to make sure we had some activity.... and we did! Nearly all of the eggs had a chick! We sealed the incubator back up until day 18, which we removed the egg turner and placed the eggs on the bottom of the incubator. We increased the humidity and 3 days later...... we could hear them! Nearly 70% hatch rate, from our back yard and from the hatchery. Join us, and thanks for watching! ------------------------------------------------- Mentioned in the Video ------------------------------------------------- Meyer Hatchery http://www.meyerhatchery.com ------------------------------------------------- First Time Watching? ------------------------------------------------- We are a large family with 10 kids ranging in age from 21-7. We homeschool live on a few acres in Central Texas. With our family size, we buy a lot of groceries, so expect several once-a-month grocery hauls at the first of every month. On our farm, we raise great pyrenees, a handful of livestock animals and tend to a small garden. It's an adventure, and still new to us. So join us! Sometimes we succeed, and many times we don't. ------------------------------------------------- Connect with Us ------------------------------------------------- Web: http://www.osofarm.com Insta: http://www.instagram.com/osofarmer Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/theosofarm ------------------------------------------------- We Love Mail! ------------------------------------------------- OsoFarm Mail PO BOX 304 China Spring, TX 76633 ------------------------------------------------- #chickens #chickencoop #brooder #incubator #eggs #hatching #chickeneggs #chicken #bufforpington #eastereggs #olivertree #egglayers #egglaying #farmfresheggs #hatchery #hatchingeggs #incubator #incubation