Can you count to four? Let's do it with Cha-Cha, Chicky, Lya-Lya, Boom-Boom, Tiki, Taka, Choko & Loko. Also having true friendship is awesome. It lets you be yourself, dance, sing and just do whatever you want! Lyrics: One D Billion Cha-Cha! Clap, clap Cha Cha Cha. Two D Billions Chicky! Chicky, Chicky, Chicky. Three D Billions Boom-Boom! Boom Boom Boom. Four D Billions Lya-Lya! Lya-Lya, Lya Lya Lya. We are D Billions, We are the family, We are D Billions, Chicky, Cha-Cha, Lya-Lya, Boom-Boom! One D Billion Tiki! Tiki Tiki Tiki. Two D Billions Choko! Choko Choko Choko. Three D Billions Taka! Taka Taka Taka. Four D Billions Loko! Loko Loko Loko. We are D Billions, We are the family, We are D Billions, Tiki, Taka, Choko, Loko! We are D Billions, We are the family, We are D Billions, Chicky, Cha-Cha, Lya-Lya, Boom-Boom! #DBillions #learncounting #dbheroes #forkids Copyright AWA LLC 2023. All Rights Reserved

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