✅ Join the VGM Alliance Waitlist Now (+ FREE Instant Download of my Guide "Secrets to my 6-Figure Video Game Music Business" ($17 value): https://videogamemusicalliance.com As a full-time music composer, I earn around $4,000 - $12,000 per month, which averages to about $8,000 per month and that amount rises each year as my revenue sources increase. On an average month, I earn income from 15-20 sources, all of which combine together to create a reliable & sustainable business for my family. I’ve been tracking my income and expenses for over 6 years now and have a very strong database that proves that my career is stable and future-proof. I can’t think of a more opportune time to have this discussion, so let’s dive in. #musicbusiness #musiccomposer #musiccareer