Episode 15: What do history and archaeology tell us about the Philistines? Where did they come from, and what were their culture and religion like? In this video, I summarize recent scholarship on the Philistines and other Sea Peoples and compare it to the depiction of the Philistines in the Bible. Content clarification: The map that appears at 1:45 is based on map produced by Eric Cline in “1177 BC: The Year Civilization Collapsed” (as noted on-screen) and includes a region labeled as Mitanni. A viewer has helpfully pointed out that Mitanni had come under Assyrian rule by the time of the Bronze Age Collapse. Recommended books (affiliate links): ⦾ Niesiołowski-Spanò, Łukasz (2015). Goliath's Legacy: Philistines and Hebrews in Biblical Times → https://amzn.to/3Ak2Hrd A great introduction to the Philistines in archaeology and the Bible. ⦾ D'Amato, Raffaele and Andrea Salimbeti (2015). Sea Peoples of the Bronze Age Mediterranean. → https://amzn.to/3SL7dFk Though not an academic work, this amazing book has some of the most thorough information on the Sea Peoples I’ve ever seen, as well as wonderful illustrations of the Philistines. ★ Special thanks to John Kesler for consulting and advice. Donate a few staters to support this channel: ⦾ https://ko-fi.com/pauldavidson Sources and References: ⦾ Ben-Shlomo, David (2010). Philistine Iconography: A Wealth of Style and Symbolism. ⦾ Bohstrom, Philippe (2016). “Tribe of Dan: Sons of Israel, or of Greek Mercenaries Hired by Egypt?” Haaretz, Dec. 4, 2016. ⦾ Cline, Eric H. (2014). 1177 BC: The Year Civilization Collapsed. ⦾ Cross, Frank Moore, and Lawrence E. Stager (2006). Cypro-Minoan Inscriptions Found in Ashkelon. IEJ 56(2). ⦾ D'Amato, Raffaele and Andrea Salimbeti (2015). Sea Peoples of the Bronze Age Mediterranean c. 1400 BC-1000 BC (Osprey Elite 204). ⦾ Drews, R. (1998). Canaanites and Philistines. JSOT 81. ⦾ Faust, A., and Katz, H. (2011). Philistines, Israelites and Canaanites in the Southern Trough Valley during the Iron Age I. Egypt and the Levant 21. ⦾ Finkelstein, Israel (2000). “The Philistine Settlements: When, Where and How Many?” In: The Sea Peoples and Their World: A Reassessment. ⦾ Finkelstein, Israel (2002). The Philistines in the Bible: A Late-Monarchic Perspective. JSOT 27/2. ⦾ Finkelstein, Israel (2007). Is the Philistine Paradigm Still Viable? In: The Synchronisation of Civilisations in the Eastern Mediterranean in the Second Millennium B.C. ⦾ Finkelstein, Israel (2019). First Israel, Core Israel, United (Northern) Israel. NEA 82.1. ⦾ Gitin, Seymour, Trude Dothan and Joseph Naveh (1997). A Royal Dedicatory Inscription from Ekron. IEJ 47(1/2). ⦾ Kahn, Dan’el (2011). The Campaign of Ramesses III Against Philistia. Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections, 3(4). ⦾ Killebrew, Ann E. (2019). The Philistines During the Period of the Judges. In: The Old Testament in Archaeology and History. ⦾ Koch, Ido (2017). Early Philistia Revisited and Revised. In: Rethinking Israel: Studies in the History and Archaeology of Ancient Israel in Honor of Israel Finkelstein. ⦾ Korpman, Matthew J (2020). Dan Shall Judge: The Danites and Iron Age Israel’s Connection with the Denyen Sea People. JSOT 44(3). ⦾ Maeir, A. M. (2019). Iron Age I Philistines: entangled identities in a transformative period. In: The Social Archaeology of the Levant. ⦾ Maier, Hitchcock and Horwitz (2013). On the Constitution and Transformation of Philistine Identity. OJA 32/1. ⦾ Manassa, Colleen (2003). The Great Karnak Inscription of Merneptah: Grand Strategy in the 13th Century BC. ⦾ Na’aman, N. (2003). Ekron under the Assyrian and Egyptian Empires. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, 332. ⦾ Naveh, Joseph (1998). Achish-Ikausu in the Light of the Ekron Dedication. BASOR 310 (May 1998). ⦾ Niesiołowski-Spanò, Łukasz (2012). The Philistines in Jerusalem? The Use of Archaeological Data as the Ethnic Marker. SOMA 2012. ⦾ Niesiołowski-Spanò, Łukasz (2015). Goliath's Legacy: Philistines and Hebrews in Biblical Times. ⦾ Redford, Donald B. (2017). The Medinet Habu Records of the Foreign Wars of Ramesses III. ⦾ Stern, Ephraim (1994). Dor: Ruler of the Seas. ⦾ Stern, Ephraim (2001). Archaeology of the Land of the Bible, Volume II. ⦾ Stern, Ephraim (2013). The Material Culture of the Northern Sea Peoples in Israel. ⦾ Yasur-Landau, Assaf (2010). The Philistines and Aegean Migration at the End of the Late Bronze Age. ⦾ Zertal, Adam (2002). Philistine Kin Found in Early Israel. Biblical Archaeology Review, June 2002. #biblestudyvideo #Philistines #deconstruction

PhilistinesarchaeologySea Peoples