Welcome to the OFFICIAL course in YACSS. The Advanced Cloud Stacking Mastermind: https://jespernissen.com/courses/advanced-cloud-stacking-mastermind/ The level of the course is medium to advanced. The Mastermind training is heavily based on YACSS. In this course I show you ALL of my secrets in Cloud Stacking. I show excatly how to produce keywords and content, and how to build Powerstacks, that can give you massive ranking improvements. I go over my entire process. I show how to: - Produce keywords - Produce ranking content - Produce 100page powerstacks over and over - Use Scrapebox how to power up your properties - Satelite SEO, and how YACSS can be used in this - Advanced onpage SEO concepts that I use - Indexing We have a very active secret Facebook group, where I post updates and additional information, for example with regards to indexing. I hope to see you on the inside. Thanks for watching this video: https://youtu.be/P4EsRLiktDs Watch my previous video on How I do cloud stacking: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIkmAU4sLms Check out the playlist Cloud Stacking SEO: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLExAJGIS_KU7G-Syb2wSTzPqVdpIXy9Rz Subscribe to my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCawfZJhkFbWXcdnLmrAAERQ Join my Facebook group here: www.facebook.com/groups/jespernissenseo/ Purchase YACSS here: https://yacss.site/pricing/ JesperNissen.com https://jespernissen.com https://twitter.com/JespernissenSEO 00:00 Introduction to Advanced Cloud Stacking Mastermind course 01:00 Results from my Advanced Cloud stacking methods 04:25 Contents of the course 10:00 Example of powerstack done with YACSS 13:30 Secret Facebook group included in the course #automated_link_building #yacss #jespernissen #jespernissenseo #cloud_stacking

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