MO! MO! MO! Merry MOVEMBER!! We wanted to do some good for the world so we decided, having missed the start for the past few years, and being given a reminder and invite by Mr. Philip Bloom, that this year is the year that we would take part in the wonderful phenomena of hairy man lip for the whole of November, in an attempt to raise lots of lovely money to aid the fight FOR men's health and AGAINST prostate cancer. The rules: Be clean shaven on Movember 1st (AKA November 1st) Grow a Mo' for the whole of Movember. Wear it with pride and use it to spread awareness and knowledge of all things mo, prostate cancer and men's health in general. Tell people what it's all about and ask them to donate money to this great cause. So that's what we're doing. We'll be spending Movember 2010 raising awareness with some films, photos and public mo's wherever we go. Please boost our MOrale and keep us strong and happy by making a donation, however small or big at any of these MOtivation stations: Jamie's mo space debs' mo space Simon's mo space Paul's mo space Team Bloom Tache We hope you enjoy what we make and, remember we're part of a team who are making stuff as well. Check it all out here (, here ( and here ( and have a fanTASHtic MOnth! B-bye now xx

Movembermomoustache'mo show'Super Mega Action PlusTeam Bloom Tache