放下浮華回歸田園,記錄我的山居田園生活! 看過世間繁華,走過紅塵萬里,決然一身歸鄉土,回歸平淡人生。 人世間太擁擠,只求老云之時,能有自己的一方小天地。 讓奔波不安的靈魂,得到詩意的棲居。 春夏秋冬,讀書喝茶,只聞花香,不談喜悲。 人生短暫,把握當下的每一秒,去追尋自己內心的快樂, 你認為值得的,就去守候;你認為幸福的,就去珍惜。 用一種平各恬淡的心境,一顆自由的心,過平靜的一生。 盈一抹微笑,將歲月打磨成人生枝頭最美的風景。 內心有大海,春曖花自開。心有桃源,何處皆是水雲間。 保持一顆年輕的心,做一個快樂的人,過簡單的一輩子。 With a smile, the years will be polished into the most beautiful scenery in the branches of life. There is the sea in the heart, and the flowers bloom in spring. There is a peach in the heart, and everywhere is between water and clouds.Keep a young heart, be a happy person, and live a simple life. Put down the glitz and return to the countryside, and record my pastoral life in the mountains! Hello everyone! I am Xiaoli. Here is the only official YouTube channel.

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