Justin Brunken (co-founder of the American Outlaws) sat down with Gregg Berhalter (MNT Head Coach) to deliver a selection of fan-submitted questions (taken from our Member Survey conducted in November of 2019) regarding the administration of the US Soccer Federation. This interview took place in mid-December at US Soccer's Headquarters in Chicago, IL. This is the first of a series of on-going conversations with decision-makers at the USSF bringing voice to fan concerns about the success of our National Team programs and transparency within the Federation. Please see the rest of this playlist for our conversations with Brian Remedi (Chief Administrative Officer of US Soccer) and Earnie Stewart (USSF Sporting Director) from the same day. Kate Markgraff (WNT General Manager) was unavailable during the December window, but we will be scheduling a meeting with her in early 2020. Please submit additional questions in the comments below. Questions and time stamps: * 1:00 - American soccer made its name by hustle and outworking opponents. How do you plan on bringing the “grit” and the unquenchable desire to win back to the USMNT? * 2:35 - What is your vision and style of play that you’re trying to implement on the national team? * 3:35 - Do you believe the current and upcoming players fit the style of play that you and Earnie Stewart are attempting to implement? Are you amenable to changes in style based on the player pool available or opponent we’re facing? * 5:32 - When we look at player selection, what is the process that goes into it for you and what factors do you ultimately consider when you make a decision on who gets named to the roster? * 7:06 - After a year on the job, what do you think you did well as a coach and where are looking to get better in 2020? * 10:00 - What are your ultimate goals/objectives for the USMNT that you hope to accomplish as head coach? * What are the steps to achieve those goals? * What can fans look for to get a sense of the progress that is made? * 12:28 - What is your message to the fans as we go into 2020?