A look at the history behind why there are two different written standards of Norwegian (Nynorsk/ Landsmål and Bokmål/ Riksmål), with examples of some of the biggest differences between them. Dr. Jackson Crawford is a historical linguist and an experienced teacher of both Old Norse, Norwegian, and Modern Icelandic. He currently teaches in the Department of Scandinavian at the University of California, Berkeley (formerly at UCLA), and he is credited in Disney’s Frozen. Pronunciation of Modern Icelandic: https://youtu.be/b00tW9LEGqE Medieval Pronunciation of Old Norse: https://youtu.be/4rajv8BSzRI The Difference between Old Norse and Modern Icelandic: https://youtu.be/5_T5jxWyxk8 How do we know what a dead language sounded like? https://youtu.be/VVnOdRgkvwU Jackson Crawford’s translation of the Poetic Edda: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1624663567 More about the Poetic Edda and Snorri's Prose Edda: https://youtu.be/LFIuuLz8Nzw Readings from the Poetic Edda: Valkyries: https://youtu.be/el9lQHIikJk Fate and the Norns: https://youtu.be/VdSmvdZSPTE The Cowboy Hávamál: https://youtu.be/W-2p9qVSAa4 Other videos about language: "Last names" in Old Norse and Icelandic: https://youtu.be/X3ncrEppzv8 Why isn’t Finnish considered a Scandinavian language? https://youtu.be/HpfcAyTNsHw Introduction to the Indo-European languages: https://youtu.be/XTkf9bEB8RU What do the Norse gods’ names mean? https://youtu.be/Q051wsL324Q Old Norse and Old English: https://youtu.be/cb6r5lUj98E How old is English? https://youtu.be/TkqOXuqvOU8 Videos about runes: 2-min. intro. to runes: https://youtu.be/yezPPsV66A8 Writing Old Norse in runes: https://youtu.be/aZ0vLcdgfF0 Where do the runes come from? https://youtu.be/oVJgq_4kF7c The names of the runes: https://youtu.be/sGGzrsmLwYk The runes in Frozen: https://youtu.be/hVqNASJcJTs

NorwegianNynorskBokmålLandsmålRiksmålIvar AasenKnud KnudsenNorwegian languageNorwegian language strugglelanguage politicssociolinguisticsScandinavian languagesNordic languagesNorskNorway