港式虾仁猪肠粉🦐满满的虾仁,滑嫩美味 ,超级好吃,3 分钟就能学会,做法简单,在家自己也能做😋 材料:5只鲜虾、少许盐、胡椒粉、青葱 面糊:80克粘米粉、40克木薯粉、1茶勺盐、1勺食用油、300毫升清水 酱汁:1勺鱼露,2勺酱油、1勺白糖、1勺芝麻油、100毫升清水 1)把虾对半切开再切小粒,加入少许盐、胡椒粉抓拌均匀腌制10分钟 2)80克粘米粉、40克木薯粉、1茶勺盐、1勺食用油、300毫升清水搅拌到无可粒 3)1勺鱼露,2勺酱油、1勺白糖、1勺芝麻油、100毫升清水搅均 4)准备一个长铁盘,涂上食用油,铺上一层面糊,上锅蒸2-3分钟至熟透,再放入虾蒸1分钟取出撒上葱花,卷起来即可 5)切小段,淋上酱汁,虾仁猪肠粉就做好啦❤️ Hong Kong-style prawns chee cheong fun 🦐 Full of shrimp, smooth and delicious, learn it in 3 minutes, the method is simple, make it yourself at home 😋 Ingredients: 5 fresh shrimps, a pinch of salt, pepper, shallots Batter: 80g blended rice flour, 40g tapioca flour, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon cooking oil, 300ml water Sauce: 1 spoon of fish sauce, 2 spoons of soy sauce, 1 spoon of sugar, 1 spoon of sesame oil, 100ml of water 1) Cut the shrimp in half and cut into small pieces, add a little salt and pepper, mix well and marinate for 10 minutes 2) 80g sticky rice flour, 40g tapioca flour, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon cooking oil, 300ml water and stir until there are no grains 3) 1 tablespoon fish sauce, 2 tablespoons soy sauce, 1 tablespoon sugar, 1 tablespoon sesame oil, 100ml water and mix well 4) Prepare a long iron plate, coat with cooking oil, spread a layer of batter, steam for 2-3 minutes until cooked, then add the shrimp and steam for 1 minute, remove and sprinkle with chopped green onion and roll up 5) Cut into small pieces, drizzle the sauce, and the prawns chee cheong fun is ready ❤️