The surgical technique for a SUPERPATH® Hip Replacement was developed as an advancement to traditional total hip replacement. The SUPERPATH® technique is a tissue-sparing procedure which aims to get patients back on their feet within days (possibly hours) instead of weeks or months. How long is recovery from Superpath hip replacement? Most patients are back to most normal activities by 4 weeks after surgery. .Which method of hip replacement is the best? The posterior approach to total hip replacement is the most commonly used method and allows the surgeon excellent visibility of the joint, more precise placement of implants and is minimally invasive. What does Superpath stand for? A new family of micro-posterior approaches, percutaneously assisted total hip (PATH), SuperCapsular (SuperCap) and Supercapsular percutaneously assisted total hip (SuperPATH) allow preservation of the short external rotators . #SuperPath #hipreplacement #hipsurgery #minimallyinvasive #tissuepreserving #musclesparing #hiparthroplasty #anteriorapproach #supercapsular #percutaneously #directanterior #orthopedicsurgery #joints #hipjoint #osteoarthritis #rheumatoidarthritis #avascularnecrosis #hipdysplasia #hipfracture #hippain #totalhipreplacement #hipimplant #ceramicprosthesis #metalprosthesis #plasticliner #surgicalapproach #incision #healingtime #rehabilitation #physicaltherapy #earlyrecovery #rapidrecovery #lesspain #outpatientprocedure #samedaydischarge #fastertracking #innovation #medicaladvances #patientoutcomes #electivesurgery #activeadults #qualityoflife #activities #lifestyle #hipprecautions #postopcare #followupvisits #medicalprocedures hip replacement surgery 3d animation hip surgery 3d animation surgery animation total hip replacement animation total hip replacement surgery 3d anim... 3d operation hip replacement animation hip joint replacement surgery animation 3d surgery 3d surgery animation hip replacement surgery animation surgery animation 3d hip joint surgery animation 3d animation surgery hip replacement susurgery femur bone surgery animation leg surgery animation anterior hip replacement animation bypass surgery animated hip surgery operation 3d animation surgery 3d surgery 3d animation hip replacement bone surgery animation animated surgery operation animation hip joint replacement laparoscopic surgery 3d animation hip total hip arthroplasty animation hip bone surgery animation orthopedic surgery animation hip operation animation 3d operation video leg operation animated video hip joint bone operation animation 3d animation operation hip joint operation anterior hip replacement surgery 3d an... hip joint anatomy animation animation surgery

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