The first step in the innovation process is to understand the problem you’re trying to solve or the need that you are trying to address. To understand the problem, it’s good to put yourself in the shoes of the user or customer and empathize with them. You can do so by observing, surveying, and embedding yourself in the situation. In addition to understanding the problem from the user perspective, you can explore what are the current solutions available, what technology exists that could be used in solutions and where do they fall short in fulfilling the user needs. Understanding the problem and need is key to finding the right solution. Empower Yourself with more Practical Business Education to Reach your Potential by visiting our site: Follow us on our social media channels: Facebook: LinkedIn: Twitter: Goolge+:

Real World EducationInnovationonline learningEducatePotentialInnovation Design ProcessPractical LearningEmpowerpotential.comProblem IdentificationRealWorldEdEngageInnovation Process