Almost a decade ago, Metallica's mighty founding father made a trip to the Menlo Park courthouse in Northern California to perform-- what was at the time-- a bold act against file sharing and the rising popularity of Napster. Delivering the names of 300,000 fans who'd illegally traded their sacred tunes, Lars stood in front of a media melee, said his peace, and jumped in a van parked in front of the courthouse. KNAC.COM founder, Rob Jones, and yours truly hopped into that van and asked Lars for an exclusive statement that we could deliver directly to the band's heavy metal fan base that the self-proclaimed 'loudest dot com on the planet' catered to. Twenty minutes later, me, Rob and Lars were sitting in a park, two miles away, rolling video. This is a three-minute slice of a half-hour conversation between two old friends. Posted again ten years later, for perspective and posterity, I'm in the process of editing the rest of the dialogue and will get it up here soon. My personal relationship with Lars has evolved and survived to this day. He composed the foreword to my 2006 memoir, Life on Planet Rock, and invited me to Metallica's induction last spring into the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame. Fade to black...
