Hello, In this video, we have made the top 10 list of countries that are most populated in 2018 world.this video also contains the number of people in each country.we all know that population is increasing rapidly in some of the countries.Before a few years, Japan is among the top 10 list of most populated countries but in 2018 Mexico has crossed Japan in terms of population.In this video, you may wonder to see that the largest country in the world that is Russia is below small countries like Bangladesh and Nigeria in terms of population. however, China is the most population and India is the second most populated countries in the world 2018.And Usa remains at number three.but there is a major competition between India and China, Indonesia and Nigeria, And Mexico and Russia.the main reason that Russia is Not in the top 5 list because the most of the areas of Russia is either forest or snowy mountain area.The main problem, especially in developing countries like India is population.there is no any type of rule in India in order to stop growth of population.Anyone can grow as much children as they can.however in countries like usa, which is developed country,population doesn't matter much.And in China there is rule that no one can produce more than two babies.In the countries having more population,poverty is more likely to grow.Every one should aware that if population grows instantly (like growing in present time) then after 500 years there will no place left even for playing sports.so thats all In this video.

top 10 population country in the world 2018Top 10 populated countries in the world 2018Top 10 highest population country in the world 2018Top 10 Biggest Countries in the WorldTop 10 Highest population countries in the world 2018top 10 populated countries in the worldhighest population density in worldhighest population country in worldhighest population country in world 2018highest population country in world latestpopulated countries in the world