This is the shortened version of the Langrisser (2019) trailer. The one that keeps all the good parts. The song is called Blood Blade -光と闇の彼方に, or Blood Blade - Beyond Light and Darkness, performed by Masumi Okui (奥井雅美). While information for the artist is easy enough to come by, finding anything about this song is about as impossible as looking for the yeti or the Loch Ness monster put together. To the best of my research, Masami performed the song in 2015 - and that's all I got. I have found two sets of lyrics - one from GamerBraves (a site writing about video games) and another from a random fan. They agree on certain parts of the song, yet veer wildly in other parts. So my English translation is a compromise between those two interpretations. Unsurprisingly, that means that my provided lyrics are not completely accurate - par for the course. I do not own Langrisser (the game and the series) and the song.

Langrisser trailerLangrisser trailer shortBlood Blade 光と闇の彼方に奥井雅美Langrisser song