Coconut Milk is so simple to make. It takes only 2 ingredients and a few minutes to make. Along with Intermittent Fasting comes a healthy lifestyle. Instead of buying coconut in the store that is full of preservatives and stuff I can't pronounce, make your own at home. This tastes better and is inexpensive to make. The book I got the recipe from: "Glow- The Nutritional Approach to Naturally Gorgeous Skin", by Nadia Neumann: Recipe: 4 cups of filtered water 1 1/2 cups of unsweetened shredded coconut 1 TBSP vanilla extract (optional for sweetness) 1. blend water and coconut 2. place in a saucepan and get to hot, but not boiling. turn off burner and let mixture cool for a half hour. 3. strain out coconut over a bowl. Pour coconut milk into a container and leave in the refrigerator up to 5 days. 4. The coconut milk will separate when it sits. Just simply shake before using. Other videos you may like: *What I Eat in a Day x 3 Days While Intermittent Fasting: *Foods that Shrink the Belly Fat/ Probiotic and Fermented Foods: * How I changed 1 Thing and Lost Weight with Intermittent Fasting: * What I eat to Lose Weight Intermittent Fasting/ 16:8: * What TO and NOT to Eat to Break a Fast/ Intermittent Fasting: ( Video is not Intermittent Fasting) *Drink This to Burn Fat and Lose Weight While Sleeping: This post may contain affiliate links and I may receive a small commission from Amazon.