Skip to 13:19 for a typing demonstration. You asked it, you got it! We finally take a look at the Razer Ornata, with its mecha-membrane switches. This keyboard gave me a LOT of material to work with, hence why it turned into a pretty big project. Hope you enjoy the video! :) My keyboard reviews: My switch teardowns: My TOP X videos: My XL typing demos: I'm Thomas and I do videos and reviews on mechanical keyboards ranging from the most sickening modern RGB gaming keyboards to vintage hardware relics, or sometimes keycaps or keyswitches ranging from Cherry MX to Alps SKCM to IBM buckling springs and anything in between. Follow me on Twitter for updates on my keyboard videos! The practice sentence was: "Hello my name is Thomas and I'm typing on a Razer Ornata right now. This must be one of the worst-built keyboards I've ever seen, this thing has so many negatives. Why not just buy a real keyboard?!"

RazerOrnatamecha-membraneclickymembraneblackwidowbacklitmechanical keyboardkeyboardreviewtypingASMRrubber domeclickerNKROCherry MXCherrylineartactile