嘉絲,和菓子職人。2012年前往日本學習制菓,潛心鉆研多年,制作和菓子已有六年,是國內最早壹批從事和菓子文化宣傳的匠人之壹,現在是國內京都之家和無印良品的常駐講師,教過的學生已超過上千人了。作為一個手藝人,修煉重在技藝的不斷打磨,去年年初,嘉絲終於達成了一萬小時的專業制菓時間,每年用掉0.65噸白豆沙,六年裏制作了近三萬多只菓子。通過自己的精湛技藝和創意巧思,嘉絲將季節的更疊揉捏進菓子裏,細細品味四季。 Jiasi, wagashi shokunin. In 2012, she went to Japan to study the making of wagashi. After years of study, as one of the earliest professionals to propagate the wagashi culture in China, she’s been making wagashi for six years. And she is now a regular lecturer with Kyoto House and Muji in China. She has taught more than a thousand students. As a craftsman, continuous practice is the most important thing in the polishing of skills. Early last year, Jiasi finally reached 10,000 hours of professional wagashi making time. She consumed annually an average of 0.65 tons of sweet white bean paste, made nearly 30,000 wagashi in six years. Through her virtuosity and creativity, Jiasi kneads the changing of seasons into wagashi and savors the seasons.
