This silent home movie shows the progress of artist Thomas Hart Benton's mural, “Independence and the Opening of the West,” at the Harry S. Truman Library, filmed over time from late 1959 - April 1960. It shows Benton shaping a clay model and painting it; drawing an outline of the mural on the canvas; painting the canvas; showing the mural being painted at the library with parts unfinished; guards moving scaffolding to the mural; Benton climbing scaffolding and painting; tourists gathered to watch him work; close-up shots of Benton painting; men speaking to Benton; cameras set up for a photo shoot; former President Harry S. Truman shaking Benton's hand and they speak; more Benton painting; Benton signs his name in the corner of the mural; view of entire mural. It ends with the dedication of the mural at the library, with Truman and Benton talking, along with Chief Justice Earl Warren, and Truman Library director Dr. Philip C. Brooks. The final view is the mural illuminated through the doors of the Truman Library at night. This was filmed by Dr. Sam T. Wilson, a dentist friend of Benton's. It is in the public domain. Please credit: Sam T. Wilson. Harry S. Truman Library. This film is part of the Motion Picture series at the Truman Library. Please see this link for the National Archives Catalog record: