Expeditions: The Pitt is a free update to Fallout 76 that will, for the first time, take you outside of Appalachia! Expeditions are story driven, repeatable missions to various exciting locales in the Fallout universe - starting with The Pitt in 2022!

Bethesda SoftworksWastelandersSeasonsNPCsOne WastelandScoreboardAlliesFactionsInside the VaultITVFalloutFallout 76BethesdaBethesda Game StudiosBGSPower ArmorVault - tecVaultVault 76Video GameVideoMultiplayerSurvivalShooterPost ApocalypticBuildingCraftingFriendsTrailerTeaserSteel DawnBrotherhood of SteelS.P.E.C.I.A.L. LoadoutsC.A.M.P. SlotsDaily Ops ExpansionLocked & LoadedArmor AceSeason 4E3The PittExpeditionsShowcase