电饭煲焖鸡腿肉饭❗️零难度~实在太香了!操作巨简单👍🏻🤭 🌱食材:鸡腿肉1个、干香菇几朵、1根腊肠、葱花少许、半颗洋葱、四颗红葱头 🌱做法: 1⃣️鸡腿去骨洗净切片、放入碗中倒入1勺生抽、1勺老抽、1勺蚝油、1勺胡椒粉、1勺糖、1勺玉米淀粉、1勺麻油;搅拌均匀腌制30分钟 2⃣️洋葱红葱头切片,泡发几朵香菇后也切片,腊肠切片准备好 3️⃣热油爆香洋葱红葱头,倒入腊肠香菇一切炒均匀,再把它倒入腌制好的鸡肉里 4️⃣大米洗干净,将腌制鸡肉倒入大米中(水份和平时煮饭的水要保持一样多哈)。煮好后,撒点葱花就能开吃啦!😋😋 Rice cooker braised chicken thigh with rice ❗️Zero difficulty~ It's so delicious! Very simple to cook it👍🏻🤭 🌱 Ingredients: 1 chicken thigh, a few dried shiitake mushrooms, 1 sausage, a little green onion, half an onion, 4 red onions 🌱How to: 1⃣️Remove bones of the chicken thigh, washed and sliced, put in a bowl, pour 1 spoon of light soy sauce, 1 spoon of dark soy sauce, 1 spoon of oyster sauce, 1 spoon of pepper, 1 spoon of sugar, 1 spoon of corn starch, 1 spoon of sesame oil; stir well and marinate 30 minutes 2⃣️Slice the onion and red onion, soak a few shiitake mushrooms and then slice it, slice the sausage and prepare 3️⃣Hot oil and saute the onions and shallots, pour in the sausage and mushrooms and stir-fry them evenly, then pour it into the marinated chicken 4️⃣Wash the rice and pour the marinated chicken into the rice (the water should be the same as the usual cooking water). After cooking, sprinkle some chopped green onion to start eating! 😋😋