Hi Guys and Gals. There's was motorcycle show at the local fairgrounds this weekend. I was wrapping up my ride for the day and happened to time it to see a large group of bikers headed toward the fairground. They were riding side by side in the right lane. I was going straight and was in the left lane. As I got closer, one biker came into my lane and slowed down. His patch told me he was a Pagan (a local outlaw motorcycle gang that's been in the Baltimore area for decades). I slowed my pace to accommodate. Then some guys from a white SUV started yelling at me. "Back the fuck up, back the fuck up". I yelled back, "Why?......why?" You'll notice that I did drop back some. Pagans are a violent group and it just wasn't worth it. I was outnumbered, literally, 50 to 1. Apparently, they don't like any other motorcycles near the group. Is this true? If you have knowledge of such things, let me know. Made it home safe and sound. Ride well everyone.