協平世博龍舟節將於9月18 - 26日重回溫哥華!配合穩妥措施,大家可以安心地免費享受多個適合一家大小的文娛活動,例如: - 慶祝中秋9月21-26日中山公園 - 龍舟鼓響9月24-26日卑詩體育館體育名人堂加拿大國際龍舟節展覽 - 一席之地9月18-19及24-26日龍舟節參加華埠華裔博物館展覽: 卑詩省與華人的遷徙 - 文化漫遊–領略華埠及周邊的多元文化和歷史淵源 另外,精彩的年度龍舟競渡於9月25日重回協平世博萬博豪園!當日10am 至 7pm 大家可以觀賞激烈的龍舟比賽,現場音樂表演和多種文娛活動。 爲確保大家可以安心參與活動,請嚴格遵守衛生與安全防護措施,例如疫苗注射證明,盡量帶著口罩及注意清洗雙手。 請瀏覽 concorddragonboatfestival.ca/program瞭解詳情。 The Concord Pacific Dragon Boat Festival is coming back to Vancouver, September 18-26! You can enjoy free family activities safely around the city including: • Mid Autumn Festival celebrations September 21-26 at Dr. Sun Yat Sen Classical Chinese Gardens • Paddles Up! The Canadian International Dragon Boat Festival Exhibit September 24-26 at BC Sports Hall of Fame • A Seat at the Table: Chinese Immigration and British Columbia with dragon boat festival archival items displayed September 18-19 and 24-26 at Chinese Canadian Museum in Chinatown • Cross Cultural Walking Tours to explore Chinatown and the different cultures that are in the area Plus, most importantly, dragon boat races return to Vancouver on September 25 at Concord Pacific Place! Come and enjoy the races, live music, and cultural pavilions on-site for free with the family starting at 10:00 AM until 7:00 PM. Health and safety measures are strictly followed at the Festival. Please make sure you have been immunized prior to coming to the Festival, and follow all rules on-site including wearing a mask and hand sanitizing regularly. For more information, visit concorddragonboatfestival.ca/program.