Late night chat centered around our Beloved. A sharing of hearts led by Margi Connor and Peter Goodman. Jai Baba! This week I would love to delve into the concept of being angry at Baba. This is such a tricky subject. He says that He wants our anger, but it can feel so disarming to be angry with your Beloved. I know in my experience being angry at Baba unhinges my whole world. When we are angry, we usually tend to turn away from someone, but how can we turn away from Him? In my life with Baba, I have been so angry with Him at times that I don't want to remember Him or even look at His picture. Have you ever had that experience before? How did He resolve it? Did you still try to remember Him? Perhaps that is the way He forces us to feel our feelings. I know personally I really don't like to feel angry. I try to avoid it at all costs, but when I am angry at Him it seems as if I have to actually experience the emotion to clear it and once again, feel close to Him. Does Baba exploit our Love for Him in that way? He knows we are only able to avoid Him for so long. Does He know that anger is such that if not felt and released then it creates havoc inside of us? Do you feel He makes us angry at Him so that we cannot avoid feeling it? Piggybacking on the topic from last week, shame, these two go hand in hand. Baba says lust, anger, and greed are Maya's game, so perhaps we try to deny our experience of them entirely. Do we suppress our anger because it makes us feel unlovable, and if we direct it towards Him maybe He will think less of us? I can only speak from the lens of my experience, and this has often been the case for me. Finally, when I do truly blow up at Baba, He accepts me in my anger with a loving embrace. He knows that we are not that anger, but the Divine Reality after all. It is just something we have to let go off to really be ourselves, so in His Grace He takes the brunt of it. I can't wait to hear how you have experienced and navigated this on your journey of getting closer to Him. In His Love, Margi and Peter To join the email list for Late Night Chats, please contact Angela This event was recorded live. To be first to be notified of a new video on this channel, please hit the red subscribe button, then the notifications bell. To join future live events, see Please join our Facebook group:

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