Hello everybody! Did you know that the words “ITS" and "IT’S” are often used incorrectly? There is often confusion between "ITS" and "IT'S". If you delve deeper into this issue, you will see that there is good reason for the confusion. However, if you just want to know what is right, the matter is very simple. IT'S "IT'S" is short for “IT IS” or “IT HAS”. This is a 100% rule!!! It cannot be used for anything else. If you cannot expand "IT'S" to "IT IS" or "IT HAS", then it is wrong! "ITS" “ITS” is like his and her, indicating the ownership. "His" is used when the owner is male, e.g., these are his cars. “Her” is used when the owner is female, e.g., these are her flowers. "ITS" is used when the owner is neuter, e.g., these are its footprints. BTW, "ITS’" is never correct! please don’t use it! With this few information, you never have to worry about using these words incorrectly ever again! Thanks for watching! Leave me comments if you still have questions! Twitter: https://twitter.com/EasyEnglish100

itsit'sdifferenceEnglish tips