With the next generation consoles right around the corner, one wonders why a free to play game would pop up on the Xbox 360, maybe they're testing the waters with f2p for future titles on the next gens. World of Tanks, a free to play strategy based tank game, now makes it's appearance on the Xbox 360. I never tried the game on pc, so I can't compare, however if the free to play model stays after beta, I could see it taking off on the consoles. Very strategic based gaming leaves you kicking yourself when making a mistake since you only get to spawn in once a match, however raking in the kills leaves you very satisfied. The beta shows off various models of tanks and a few upgrade packages, the full game I believe is to have over 60 tanks, each customizable. The open beta is now live and you can apply for it here for the Xbox 360: https://wt360e.com/join_obt/new/ World of Tanks http://worldoftanks.com/ World of Tanks (Xbox 360 Edition) http://wt360e.com/
