Washington's ambition to achieve a new type of American dominance over the English people and their queen Elizabeth the 1st can only end in one way. So Washington prank calls Elizabeth to let her know that he is indeed interested in a trade agreement. This is 100% lore friendly to Sid Meier's Civilization 5. Edited by me - guest273. Video idea slightly inspired by YouTuber ICEnJAM. Thumbnail design very inspired by YouTuber ICEnJAM. https://www.youtube.com/user/ICEnJAM

Washington Prank Calls Elizabeth in Civilization 5WashingtonwashingtonWashington prank callwashington prank callprank call elizabethicenjamice n jamprank callsprank callprank call ice n jamcivilizationcivilization 5civilization 6civ vciv 5civilization vcivilization brave new worldciv 3guest273xguest273xguest273xguest 273tmkoc unknown guest 2730the history guyhistory guyus historyamericausauspresident washington