Colugo/flying lemur with baby at Bukit Timah Nature Reserve in Singapore between 1850 to 1900. I am glad to have seen a mother colugo spending some quality time with its baby which has been rather active at 1850 in the evening. Once again, lighting conditions were poor. Nonetheless, I persisted with a shutter of 1/30 to prevent motion blur and used my video editor to crank up the brightness. After 1910, I decided it was too dark to capture anymore footage. Hence, I decided to admire the colugo from a distance. I did not expect it to glide with a baby...but it did! It glided to another tree with a baby. Started to glide over our heads as well. It was awesome to have spent the evening with both mother and baby colugo/flying lemur and to have them gliding over our heads in such close proximity. Nature is beautiful. For related videos on colugo/flying lemur: Colugo lleva a su bebé en la barriga | Wild Frank: En busca del dragón | Animal Planet Giant Bat Mystery Stunning Footage of a Kubong Gliding Through the Trees

ColugoFlying LemurLemurmammalsanimalsNatureRainforestBukit Timah Nature ReserveNature ReserveSingaporecreaturesanimalcreatureAmazingwow