*Originally uploaded on March 6, 2020* After a few years, I've decided to do another If Pokémon Talked video. It's also been a few years since I have done Torkoal's voice. This will be the first anime edition of If Pokémon Talked and the first on this channel where I do Registeel's voice. The first time was on my main channel (Swordterranean40), and it was for "Legendary Pokémon Voices", which was an absolute fail. I however did the voice again in "If Pokémon Talked Voices Live" and it did better this time. But just to stay on the subject of this video, Ash's Torkoal battles Brandon's Registeel. This video is for a mixed audience. More "If Pokémon Talked": https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSpMGkG5YcMYQj6Gbd4sd5Qbr_KqB67CP Twitter: (https://twitter.com/Swordtee40) Other channels: SwordteeGaming: (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIDkIuwBsh3aNFAAOnXBf0A) Swordterranean40 (Main channel): (https://www.youtube.com/user/Swordterranean40) Swordtee Extras: (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgxHxwrklZb-hysod8g5j6w) Pokémon voiced in the video: Torkoal, Registeel Episode: "Overjoyed!"

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