海螺是低脂,高蛋白又高钙的营养海味,深受大家的喜爱。今天就分享一道爆炒海螺,酱汁浓郁,超级入味好吃。海螺性偏寒,所以配料的搭配尤为重要,不但要去腥增香,还能中和海螺的寒气,这样吃才更益身体健康,做到既营养又美味,越吃越过瘾。 食材: 海螺500克 洋葱,干橘皮,干辣椒,青红椒各1个 生姜1小块 大蒜,小葱各2根 蒜头3瓣 八角2粒 花椒1/2汤匙 生抽,油,白糖,加饭酒,黑胡椒粉,芝麻香油,清水,柠檬汁适量 背景音乐https://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music/track/little-idea Conch is a low-fat, high-protein and high-calcium nutritious seafood that is loved by everyone. Today we're sharing a stir-fried conch with a rich sauce that's super tasty and delicious. Conch is cold in nature, so it is important to match the ingredients, not only to remove the fishy aroma, but also to neutralise the coldness of the conch, so that it can be eaten in a healthy way, making it both nutritious and delicious, the more you eat, the more you enjoy it. Ingredients: 500g of sea snails 1 onion, dried orange peel, dried chilli, green and red pepper each 1 small piece of ginger 2 stalks each of garlic and spring onion 3 cloves of garlic 2 star anise 1/2 tablespoon of pepper Soy sauce, oil, sugar, rice wine, black pepper and sesame oil to taste ——欢迎收看更多精彩视频—— 【炸鸡架】咸香酥脆,简单几步成就最佳下酒菜,酥到骨头,超级解馋Fried Chicken Rackhttps://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TxXPW3Sxwhc 【奶油炸丸子】西式小吃,奶油肉丸,外酥里嫩,风味独特,详解奶油白酱的做法https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Kxqu3kZo77U#searching 【千层酥蛋糕】无需烤箱,不用任何打发,在家轻松DIY,一次做两种款式,美味健康又实惠,口感超赞https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Wg1-fHJM1ig 【脆皮蛋卷】平底锅版,芝麻蛋卷/蕾丝蛋卷,一次做两种花样,松脆可口,入口即化【Egg Rolls】 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BLrEQsdUkwc 【纯手工核桃酥】无需烤箱和猪油,一个平底锅就搞定,酥香无比,入口即化,太好吃啦! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=y_jwP9xC4OQ

炒海螺下酒菜快手海鲜营养美味家常入味酱汁Stir Fried ConchSauteed sea snails低脂高蛋白高钙弹牙有嚼劲鲜香健康家常菜佐酒海螺