As a continuation of the last upload, this is one of the winners of GACKT's contest. He rearranged the song and covered it on a single alongside the grand winner, Episode.0. You really gotta love those deep and powerful vocals. Unlike the original, GACKT himself holds the license to its actually available to buy, yay. iTunes US: iTunes JP:

hakuscl_natsunatsuPKokutou PockyP黒糖ポッキーPHaru Aki春日アキラHaruhi Akiraharu_akiscl_HaruAki春アキSCL ProjectSeven Color LightVocaloidボーカロイドUTAUUtaite歌い手MikuHatsune初音ミクKamui GakupoGackpoidがくっぽいどCamui Gackpo神威がくぽ神威 楽斗Kamui GakutoGACKTGakuto Oshiro大城 ガクト