In this lesson, Pastor Chuck Smith provides a basic overview of the book of Revelation.  Pastor Chuck shows that the book represents the unveiling of Jesus Christ and the forecast of occurrences around His imminent return.  Jesus shows his authority and power and the book also shows His relation to the church, Israel, and all of mankind: Ultimately Jesus Christ is the future King of kings of all the Earth and of all the ages.Pastor Chuck shows that the blessings offered to those reading and hearing is also a call to faith and obedience. He continues to explain the difference between our timing and God's timing God's patience and His desire for everyone to repent.  Further, Pastor Chuck offers insight to the greetings reflected in Revelation which describes God the Father's eternal nature and the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ is referred to as a faithful witness, the first begotten of the dead, the prince of kings of the earth and the liberator from our sins.  Christ has turned us into a kingdom of kings and priests but the glory and dominion will solely remain His permanently.  Pastor Chuck develops even further the visual representations of Jesus in the book— He among the seven golden candlesticks, (emblematic of the seven churches), and holding the seven stars, (symbolizing the church’s messengers or ministers).  Pastor Chuck brings us comfort by helping us see the personal involvement of Christ with His church, His bride.  Pastor Chuck notes three divine divisions in the Book of Revelation—the things John saw, the things that exist (a possible outline of church history), and the things to come, (before the millennial reign of Jesus Christ).Pastor Chuck notes that understanding these divisions is essential in interpreting the book. To conclude, Pastor Chuck urges believers to trust in Jesus while studying through the Book of Revelation, acknowledging Christ's presence, guidance and ministering in His church.  Jesus said “ to him who has ears let him hear with the spirit says to the churches”.  Remember Jesus’ promise of John 16 that the Holy Spirit would guide us into all truth. MAY 2024 We here at ‘The Word For Today - Pastor Chuck Smith’, as we pray for you our listening audience, we ask the Lord for His guidance on which to publish. Since not all video messages are available, due to damage caused by age, we hope that those we are able to upload bless you. Please pray that we continue to be faithful in this wonderful work of God. Also, please share these with your loved ones, to share the Hope and Salvation found only in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Our goal is to reach the world for Jesus, therefore, we are uploading Pastor Chuck’s messages, "for the perfecting of the saints for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ”. Ephesians 4:12 kjv. We thank you for your patience, prayers, and Agape-love. May God Bless you and yours in Christ Jesus; Maranatha, The - Pastor Chuck Smith Word For Today - Team 00:00 - The Book of Revelation, Chapter 1 01:42 - The Book of Revelation 06:23 - The Time is at Hand for the Second Coming 08:27 - 7, The number of completeness in the Bible 15:24 - He is the faithful witness 20:17 - John the Apostle: I am the Alpha and the Omega in the 30:43 - John's Vision of the Glory of Jesus 37:28 - The Key to Revelation 48:13 - Psalm 107 49:36 - the Ministers of Jesus Christ