#KOFXV #SpecialIntro #Intro #DestinyBattle #StoryMode #Interactions Please note it was to difficult to make the compilation according to the list ==Special Intros Story Mode== Shun'ei: Kyo, Kukri, Isla, Leona Meitenkun: Andy, Athena, Chris Benimaru: Chizuru, Elisabeth Kyo: Shun'ei, Iori, Krohnen Iori: Kyo, Yashiro, Leona Chizuru: Benimaru, Ash Terry: Mary, Dinosaur Andy: Mai, Meitenkun Joe: King Yashiro: Iori, Maxima Shermie: Athena, Luong Chris: Meitenkun Ryo: Yuri, Robert Robert: Yuri, Ryo King: Joe, Mai Isla: Shun'ei, Ash, Dolores, Heidern Heidern: Leona, Mary, Isla Dolores: Kukri, Isla, Luong Leona: Heidern, Iori, Shun'ei Ralf: Clark, Whip Clark: Ralf, Antonov Mary: Terry, Heidern Vanessa: Ramón, Whip Luong: Shermie, Dolores Athena: Shermie, Meitenkun Mai: Andy, King Yuri: Ryo, Robert Antonov: Kukri, Clark Ramón: Vanessa, Ángel Dinosaur: Terry Krohnen: Kyo, K', Maxima Kula: K', Ángel Ángel: Ramón, Kula K': Krohnen, Maxima, Kula Maxima: K', Yashiro, Krohnen Whip: Ralf, Vanessa Ash: Elisabeth, Isla, Chizuru Elisabeth: Ash, Benimaru Kukri: Shun'ei, Antonov, Dolores

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