Explore the Riddle of Small White Bumps on Penis: Reasons, Precautions and Warning Signs! From natural glands to potential infections, we'll reveal the mysteries behind these little spots. ------------------------------------------------------------ 👍 If you liked it, don't forget to like, subscribe to the channel, like, comment and share with your friends ❤ :) ✓✨💙❄️ Subscribe to the channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEuLjKwu8fnagnZcW5tsh7A 🎬 Watch other videos: SIX FOODS THAT IMPROVE YOUR SEXUAL FUNCTION | Sarah Freeman Urologist https://youtu.be/2jYr8DofS-k EARLY EJACULATION NEVER AGAIN: 7 TECHNIQUES YOU NEED TO KNOW | Sarah Freeman Urologist https://youtu.be/1gWwCRyP2Hw CAN TADALAFILA CAUSE BLINDNESS? | Sarah Freeman Urologist https://youtu.be/PWyzHhrvgsg ------------------------------------------------------------ The appearance of white dots on the penis can have a variety of causes, some of which are relatively harmless and others that may require medical attention. Here are some possible explanations for this symptom: Tyson's Glands: These are normal sebaceous glands found in the male genital region. They may appear as small white bumps around the base of the penis or on the glans (head). Tyson's glands are completely normal and do not require treatment. Pimples: Just like on other parts of the body, pimples can develop in the genital area due to the accumulation of sebum and dead cells. They are generally harmless and disappear over time. However, if there is pain, redness, or pus, you may need to see a doctor. Molluscum contagiosum: It is a viral skin infection that can affect the genital area. Molluscum contagiosum manifests as small, dome-shaped lesions, usually with a depressed center. These lesions can be white or skin-colored. If you suspect molluscum contagiosum, it is advisable to see a doctor for proper evaluation and treatment. Infections: Certain infections, such as candidiasis (yeast infection) or bacterial infections, can cause the appearance of white dots on the penis. In addition to the white balls, these infections can be associated with symptoms such as itching, redness, swelling and irritation. Consult a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and treatment. Other conditions: There are other less common conditions that can lead to the appearance of white dots on the penis, such as pemphigus, lichen sclerosus or genital warts (caused by the human papilloma virus - HPV). It is important to see a doctor for proper evaluation and correct diagnosis. In summary, although some causes of white dots on the penis are harmless, others may require medical attention. If you notice any changes in your genital region, especially if there is pain, discomfort or other associated symptoms, it is recommended to consult a doctor or urologist to obtain a proper diagnosis and receive appropriate guidance and treatment. #bumpsonpenis #penis #urologist

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