🟢材料: 三文魚1件 鹽、胡椒粉 適量 🟢做法: 1️⃣ 三文魚去鱗洗淨,吸乾水後在表面均勻地塗抹上適量的鹽和胡椒粉。 2️⃣ 蒸烤鍋塗上少量油,將調味好的三文魚放入鍋中,煎至金黃色後翻轉,讓另一面也煎至金黃色和熟透即可。 📌備註: 可以佐以檸檬汁、或沙律醬。 🟢Ingredients: Salmon - 1 piece Salt, white pepper powder - to taste 🟢Cooking Directions: 1️⃣ Scale and clean the salmon, then pat it dry. Evenly rub salt and pepper on the surface of the salmon. 2️⃣ Heat a steam grill pan and brush it with a little oil. Place the seasoned salmon in the pan and cook until golden brown, then flip it over and cook until the other side is also golden brown and fully cooked. 📌Note: You can add lemon juice, or salad dressing if desired. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVUHbpirAPSaE8YsP82Bcmw ❤️請訂閱本台第二頻道 《好易生活頻道 oe living》 網友可到Facebook群組**香港菜HK dishes**分享個人作品和煮食心得。https://www.facebook.com/groups/1885999698348679

鹽煎三文魚好易煮Pan-seared Salmon with Salt