This level is stressful as fuck, would've liked a 625+ but this will just do fine. The reason why it's, "World Record," is because this' the highest record to be uploaded to YouTube as of 11/25/18. After hitting the round 5 marker, the level has a spot where it's impossible, I.E. 375 specifically, round 6 however does become possible but round 7 and 8 once again becomes impossible. Pretty inconsistent with how the mechanic works due to this issue but nonetheless this is my current peak for this level and good luck to those who can reach this far, because this' very hard. **DISCLAIMER** I've disabled comments because some of you don't understand that I worked a lot of time to get these records and calling it fake when I'm literally live recording OR you claim all these scores with zero proof whatsoever. To those that didn't do that (Which was only a few people) I'm sorry, but I can't take this invalidity anymore with the comments, so all Tiles Hop videos won't allow comments.

DU Recorder