[ENG] SNH48 is not just a group of beautiful young girls, not just the concept of idols. They have a unique style in music, is the representative of the new generation of idols. SNH48 completely broke the traditional idol combination "first closed training, and then debut promotion" form, with the exclusive theater performances, handshake, the annual general election, etc., so that fans can witness the greatest extent, to participate in the growth of members ~ Real-time update, welcome to subscribe ~ [CHN] SNH48不仅仅是一群青春洋溢的漂亮女孩,也不仅仅是偶像的概念。她们在音乐上有着独特的风格,是新生代偶像的代表。SNH48完全打破了传统偶像组合”先封闭培训,再出道推广“的形式,用专属剧院公演、握手会、年度总选举等方式,让粉丝们能够最大程度地见证、参与到成员们的成长中来。 ~实时更新,欢迎订阅~
