1841. Newly married and full of inspiration, Robert Schumann set off on a creative flight of fancy, composing his "Spring Symphony" as in a frenzy, within just a few weeks. In the first movement, Schumman envisioned "... wie es überall zu grüneln anfängt, wohl gar ein Schmetterling aufsteigt, wie nach und nach alles zusammenkommt, was zum Frühling etwa gehört." The Mozarteumorchester Salzburg and Mirga Gražinytė-Tyla brought said spring to Lucerne Festival 2021 with their rendition of Schumann's symphony. Here is a short excerpt. ____ https://www.lucernefestival.ch https://www.facebook.com/lucernefestival https://www.instagram.com/lucernefestival https://www.twitter.com/lucernefestival https://www.linkedin.com/company/lucernefestival