If you’re struggling, consider therapy with our sponsor BetterHelp. Click https://betterhelp.com/futurology for a 10% discount on your first month of therapy with a licensed professional specific to your needs. Ukraine has a $750 billion dollar plan to rebuild itself and recover after its war with Russia. The plan includes a list of prerequisites including de-oligarzation, anti-corruption measures and providing cyber and military protection. Once these are in place, it will clean up the environment and hazardous regions, while rebuilding and strengthening its transport infrastructure. In addition, it will place a heavy emphasis on boosting its energy infrastructure, by rebuilding its destroyed power plants and refineries, and constructing new renewable energy resources. Furthermore, it will update its housing and heating system, improve education and work to boost national culture. Together, it hopes these will re-attract its more than six million refugees who have fled the country. With all these goals, Ukraine hopes it will lower carbon emissions, boost education performance, and increase economic growth. Maybe most importantly though, it plans on strengthening its western alliances, by joining the EU and NATO. If you enjoyed this video, please consider subscribing to Futurology for more similar content! Thank you to the following sources! Information https://uploads-ssl.webflow.com/621f88db25fbf24758792dd8/62c166751fcf41105380a733_NRC%20Ukraine%27s%20Recovery%20Plan%20blueprint_ENG.pdf https://it.usembassy.gov/u-s-ukraine-launch-rebuilding-initiative/ https://eu-solidarity-ukraine.ec.europa.eu/eu-assistance-ukraine/recovery-and-reconstruction-ukraine_en https://www.worldbank.org/en/news/press-release/2023/03/23/updated-ukraine-recovery-and-reconstruction-needs-assessment https://www.urc-international.com/urc-2023-info https://www.brookings.edu/articles/financing-and-governing-the-recovery-reconstruction-and-modernization-of-ukraine/ https://www.deloitte.com/an/en/our-thinking/insights/industry/government-public-services/ukraine-reconstruction-plan.html https://it.usembassy.gov/u-s-ukraine-launch-rebuilding-initiative/ Video Chapters 0:00-1:44 Introduction 1:44-7:38 Recovery Plan 7:38-10:27 Outcomes

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