SHRI SAI SATCHARITRA. CHAPTER 26/50 “Stories of (1) Bhakta Pant (2) Harish Chandra Pitale (3) Gopal Ambedkar. All things we see in the universe are nothing but a play of Maya, (illusion) i.e. the creative power of the Lord. These things do not really exist. (Just like a dream seems real while we are seeing one, but the moment we awaken, we realize that it was only an illusion.) This is where the need for a Guru arises, to awaken us from this Ignorance that we are living in. We believe that this illusion is our reality. The Sadguru can only open the eyes of our understanding & enable us to see things in their true light and not as they appear. Let us therefore worship our Sadguru and pray to Him to give us the true vision, which is nothing but God-vision. In this chapter the author has beautified the whole concept of Worship. He has suggested a novel way of truly worshiping the Guru or God. We do not need to perform it as a ritual, with flowers, mithai, sindoor, gangajal etc. Instead replace water with Tears Of Joy, Apply Sandal Paste of Pure Love, Cover Body with the cloth of True Faith, offer 8 Lotus in form of our 8 Satwik Emotions, Fruit in form of our Concentrated Mind, Apply the Tilak in form of Devotion and Tie the Waistband of Bhakti. This way we should offer ourselves to our Sadguru. PRAYER: Please turn our minds inward, give us discrimination between the Real & the Unreal, give us Non-Attachment for all worldly things & thus enable us to get Self- Realization. We surrender ourselves, body & soul (EGO) to you. Baba Himself is teaching us the correct way to attain the Absolute, through the Sai Satcharitra. In the story of Bhakta Pant, again Baba emphasizes upon the importance of one’s own Guru. Baba with His touch and mere glance cured many incurable diseases, which is demonstrated in the 2nd. story of Harishchandra Pitale. His method was unique; He made His devotees get rid of all doubts and bad thoughts & revived Bhakti bhava in them. In the Leela of Mr. Ambedekar, a beautiful guidance on Karma is given, through the words of Shri Akkalkot Maharaj. He advised, “You must bear the fruit, good or bad, of your past actions; if it is incomplete, even suicide won’t help you. You have to take another birth and suffer again; so instead of killing yourself, why not suffer for some time and finish up the fruit of your past deeds and be done with it once and for all. Please let us all listen & sincerely try to apply the guidance in our daily lives. OM SHRI SAI NATHAYE NAMAH.